Kaplan Annual Oscar Voting Mega Hall of Fame and Fortune
A brief message from our 2023 winner: Harrison Skopes

Oscar betting started out innocently, enough; In high school, Liam and I were deep into home video-making (who could forget some timeless classics such as Hot Agua, The Intruder, or SkinWhip Lake) aand Oscars night was but a bastion of light for our future dream careers. The 4 Kaplans plus Liam, would gather at the Kaplan house, order in Wood Ranch, bet on who was the most right, do some light razzin’ and crown an ultimate winner. Back then, it was paper ballots and the honor system.
Since then, the pool has grown to a record 38 participants, with the additions of new friends, new family, and even a few real-life academy members (don’t worry, they’ve never come close to winning). We've seen the reign of Sara Scott, which almost led to an actual revolt by an entire undergraduate film department. We saw the brief usurping by the unlikely "Vote With Your Heart" Robert Kaplan. And we saw a global pandemic. But most importantly we've seen Sara win six times. Which is just Planet of the Apes.
Most Total Wins: 6 (Sara Scott)
2023 Winner: Harrison Skopes
2022 Winner: Robert Kaplan
2021 Winner: Sara Scott
2020 Winner: Anthony Arnone
2019 Winner: Sara Scott
2018 Winner: Robert Kaplan
2017 Winner: Sara Scott
2016 Winner: Sara Scott
2015 Winner: Sara Scott
2014 Winner: Sara Scott